Delhi Accordion Band To Play At Hall Opening
The London Free Press
Composed of all Delhi and district boys and girls, this band will give the musical opening at the special ceremony this afternoon for the opening of the Belgian Hall in Delhi. Left to right, fifth row are: T. Verschoore, L. Plancke; fourth-row, M. Van Hoorn, R. Depoorter, A. Morjaen, M. Peneman, T. DeVos, J. Van Belois, A. Vandeheaghe, E. Decock; third row: M. Mels, J. Handsaeme, A. Mels, T. Ervie, R. Vadergust, O. Van Hoorn, M. Hoorelbeke; second row: L. Vanlanshoote, V. Lierman, C. Kurzinka, M. Ruyseveld; front row: R. Hoorelebeke (leader); M. Ierman, J. Myny, A Vanlauwe, M. Vanderhaeghe, A. Van De Walle, A Van De Walle, J. Lauwaert, M. Van Damme, L. Kerrebrouck, Band Leader R. Van De Walle; (at front): Ronny Hoorelbeke, junior. (Photo by Coni.)