Shareholder Meeting
Start: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 - 7:00pm
The executive of the Delhi Belgian Club has called a general shareholders meeting for Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at the Royal Canadian Legion, 249 Main Street, Delhi, at 7 pm.
The purpose will be to pass the necessary resolutions to allow the executive to take the actions required to complete the dissolution of the club.
If you wish to obtain information and vote on this matter you will be required to attend the meeting or send a proxy.
We would ask that you bring the original share certificate with you if you have it. Presentation of your share certificate will result in a payment to you, for the value of your share(s).
If the shareholder is deceased, the trustee of the estate or the beneficiary who inherited the shares is entitled to attend.
Please share with other shareholders.
Royal Canadian Legion
249 Main Street
Delhi, ON
Category: Shareholder Events